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Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Accountability Agreement

Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?
1.During this year I would like to reach and maintain an average of 80 or more in this class
2. A big thing I want to accomplish this year is to decide what job I would like to pursue in the future and what courses I need in university to get there
3. I would also like to maintain a high enough average to be accepted into the university of my choice
4. Throughout this year I would like to put more effort into all of my classes instead of doing them half heartedly

Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?
1. This year I will do my best to provide help to my class mates when they are in need of it
2. I will not do things in the class room that may distract my classmates and get their attention away from their work
3. When working on group projects I will carry my own wieght and not leave my group members behind

Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?
1.I am responsible for handing in all my work on or before the date they are due
2.I am responsible for attending class on a regular basis
3.To be respectful and not talk while my teacher is giving a lesson
4.Put all my effort into my work to make the final product worth handing in

Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?
1.I will need help from my teacher to be there when I need help on something
2.I will need my friends to keep me on task but also make class fun
3.I will need help from my teachers in finding areas I need to improve in to add quality to my work (and I know there are lots of areas for me to improve in so it might take time)
4. I will finally need help from my sports and teams to give me a place go to forget all of my problems and get my mind on something I love to do

Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?
1.I will know I have suceeded when I get back marks that make me feel good
2.I will be proud of what I have accomplished
3. I will get into the university of my choice with my marks

Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?
1.If I suceed I will reward myself with a day of relaxation which means doing no homework
2. If I do well I will treat myself to something I have wanted but never have been willing to spend the money on it
3.The biggest punishment of all would be not being able to get into a university course of my choice which would probably be something I would regret for my entire life!

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