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Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Debate #3

It was the morning of Dec 15th, 2008 and the class was slowly starting to fill with students once again. After a long weekend of relaxation this debate had the makings of a brilliant affair. The topic that was up for debate today was did Gertrude betray both Old Hamlet and Young Hamlet. The judges for this bout were Stephanie Wilson, Megan Marshall and Jayme Bedall. Fighting for the affirmative side was Adam Young, Mathew Brown and Stuart Gendron. Their opponents fighting that Gertrude didn’t betray both Hamlets were, Tyler Kieth, Alex Van der mout and Jon Hughes. This scene had the makings of a legendary debate, in order to find out we would have to wait and observe.

As the debate kicked out the Affirmative side came out with a strong argument lead by Adam. He began by stating Betrayal! Betrayal is used to twist the plot of ones story. Gertrude indeed is guilty of betrayal. After concluding a decent argument for the affirmative side Adam took his seat and the power shifted to the negative side. Tyler bravely stood up and lead his group into their argument. Tyler stated “Hamlet feels betrayed, but everyone is different” . He followed up this statement by saying Getrude was just like everybody else but she got over Old Hamlet in a short period of time. Tyler then concluded his argument and returned to his seat.

Shortly after the opening arguments had finished the rebuttals commenced. During the rebuttals the two sides took their turn and tried to penetrate holes in their opponents arguments. Both sides performed really well and were able to find things against their opponents arguments. After the short rebuttals the power then shifted back to the affirmative side. It was no Mat’s chance to lead and he projected his argument to the judges and the on looking crowd. Shortly after Mat concluded his arguments it was now Alex’s turn to present. He masterfully countered Mat’s argument in his own and gained the upper hands. After the argument had finished the rebuttal followed and held the same intensity as before.

The final encounter between the two teams came from the free for all. During this round the rule of dueling came into play. Any heated arguments between two individuals would be decided in a light saber duel. Most of the light saber fights fell to a decision for the negative side which would later turn out to be the match decider. One interesting comment Jon made during the free for all was the their team contained “a jehova witness, a Mormon, and me how could we possibly lie”. This fact later proved true as the judges announced who had taken the fight. Although it was a closely fought match the negative side took it by only a fraction. The debate ended and both sides were giving a chance to cool down and interact amongst one another.      


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